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How Your Appetite Responds Under Stress

Stress is like an unwelcome guest that often overstays its welcome. Whether it’s work deadlines, family responsibilities, or unexpected challenges, stress can be hard to avoid. But have you ever wondered how stress might be influencing your eating habits? Recent research suggests that stress doesn’t just play with our emotions; it might also have a surprising impact on our appetite. In this article, we’ll delve into a fascinating study that unravels the intricate relationship between stress, body composition, and food preferences.

Imagine this: brain scans, freezing-cold water, and a menu filled with both food and office supplies. Sounds intriguing, right? Researchers at Johns Hopkins University designed a study to explore how stress affects the appetite of individuals with different body compositions. They recruited 29 participants—17 with obesity and 12 lean individuals, and subjected them to both physical and social stressors.

The participants underwent brain scans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while exposed to different stress levels. The catch? They were shown food cues alongside words like “rubber bands” and “staple remover.” This unique approach aimed to uncover how stress impacts desire and restraint, especially in the realm of eating.

Stress vs. Appetite: Lean vs. Obesity

As the saying goes, “lean and hungry,” and this study provides a real-life example. Lean participants displayed higher levels of wanting and hunger in response to the presented food cues. Interestingly, they craved everything, from energy-dense foods like pizza to low-calorie options like fruits and vegetables. Even non-food items like office supplies seemed appealing to them.

When finally given the chance to eat after a nine-and-a-half-hour fasting period, lean participants consumed around 1,000 calories. But here’s the twist: under higher-stress conditions, they actually consumed more fruits and vegetables compared to when they weren’t stressed.

Conversely, participants with obesity showed lower wanting scores and higher restraint scores. However, their eating behavior told a different story. When presented with an all-you-can-eat buffet, those with obesity consumed approximately 1,400 calories in the non-stress condition and nearly 1,600 calories under stress. Furthermore, they gravitated towards energy-dense foods like pizza during the high-stress phase of the study.

Digging deeper, the study also explored how participants’ brains reacted to food cues during fMRI scans. Notably, those with obesity exhibited lower activation in brain regions linked to self-control when contemplating higher-energy-density foods. However, they showed more activation in reward-seeking areas under high-stress conditions.

Key Takeaways

1. Genetics and Appetite:

This study underscores the influence of genetics on eating behaviors, particularly under stress. Brain activation patterns and eating responses suggest that individuals might be predisposed to consume more in high-stress situations. Lower impulse control has also been linked to a higher risk of obesity in other studies.

2. Stress Management for Weight Management

While there’s no magic solution for weight loss, managing stress could significantly impact its success. Stress and food often go hand in hand, but turning to food for comfort rarely solves the underlying issue. Doing the “pick a thing before the thing” practice, such as taking a short walk or sipping water before eating, can help create a mental buffer between stress and eating.

Stress and appetite have a complex relationship that can be influenced by body composition and genetics. While stress may push some to eat more, it could drive others to avoid certain foods. By understanding these dynamics, we can empower ourselves to make more mindful choices, even in high-stress situations. Remember, the goal isn’t to eliminate the connection between food and emotions but rather to create a healthy space between the two—a space

where our well-being and nourishment can coexist harmoniously. 



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