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Interested in Holistic Fitness? Here are Insights from 4 Key Studies

When it comes to strength training, we’ve delved into numerous aspects: from tailoring programs for seniors to debating the merits of lifting lighter weights. In this edition, we’re shifting focus to bring you insights from recent studies that individually might not stand out but collectively offer valuable guidance for your fitness journey.

Study #1: Your Personal Training Outcomes

A thorough analysis from McMaster University reveals a universal truth: every training program, no matter its specifics, achieves two common outcomes—increased muscle strength and size for you. While variables like loads, sets, and frequency matter, the key takeaway is finding your minimum effective dose. Tailor your workouts to align with your interests for sustained engagement and results.

Study #2: Your Lifting Speed Matters

Remember the slow-lifting craze? A recent meta-analysis on lifting speeds underscores the importance of your preferred tempo. Regardless of your age or gender, faster lifting consistently leads to superior strength gains for you. Choose your preferred lifting tempo within reason, and focus on other critical variables that drive your progress.

Study #3: Your Brain Power Linked to Leg Strength

As we age, physical and cognitive declines often go hand in hand. A study examining older adults found a strong correlation between leg strength and cognitive function. Surprisingly, muscle mass isn’t directly linked to cognitive performance, emphasising the unique benefits of focusing on your strength, especially as you age.

Study #4: Lifting for Your Academic Excellence

The most unexpected finding comes from research suggesting that resistance training in children and adolescents improves cognitive function, academic performance, and task focus. While the exact mechanisms aren’t fully understood, it’s proposed that the discipline and persistence cultivated in the gym might translate into improved self-regulation in academic settings.

In the dynamic world of resistance training, these studies offer practical insights. Tailor your approach to individual preferences, embrace the power of diverse training speeds, recognise the importance of strength in cognitive health, and consider the unexpected benefits of lifting for academic success. Remember, strengthening the body goes hand in hand with fortifying the mind, offering a holistic approach to well-being and performance.



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