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Is Vitamin K the Key to a Healthy Heart?

Calcium: the cornerstone of sturdy bones and teeth, yet a potential menace when it finds its way into your arteries. The delicate balance between bone strength and arterial health underscores the importance of vitamin K—a nutrient that holds promise in safeguarding against arterial calcification. Join us as we delve into the latest research exploring the intricate relationship between vitamin K supplementation and heart health.

Unveiling the Findings: The Role of Vitamin K in Artery Health

In a comprehensive review encompassing 14 randomised controlled trials and over 1500 participants, researchers set out to unravel the enigmatic link between vitamin K and arterial calcification. Employing Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) testing—a precise diagnostic tool capturing images of arterial calcium deposits—the study shed light on the potential benefits of vitamin K supplementation in mitigating arterial calcification.

Key Insights from the Study

  1. Arterial Protection: Participants receiving vitamin K supplements exhibited a notable reduction in arterial calcium buildup, as evidenced by their CAC test results. This promising finding underscores the potential role of vitamin K in preserving arterial health and mitigating the risk of heart disease.

  2. Mixed Findings: While the overall trend favoured vitamin K supplementation in curbing arterial calcification, studies yielded varied outcomes regarding its impact on the calcification of the aortic heart valve—a critical gateway regulating blood flow from the heart. While some trials reported no discernible effect, others showcased tangible improvements, highlighting the complexity of arterial health dynamics.

Navigating the Terrain

  1. Supplemental Considerations: Despite emerging evidence hinting at the benefits of vitamin K supplementation, caution is warranted. Regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refrain from endorsing vitamin K supplements for heart health, citing the need for further research and potential risks associated with supplementation. Individuals, particularly those on blood thinners, should exercise prudence and consult healthcare professionals before incorporating vitamin K supplements into their regimen.

  2. Dietary Strategies: Embracing a vitamin K-rich diet emerges as a cornerstone of heart-healthy nutrition. Found abundantly in green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, and fermented foods, vitamin K offers a multifaceted approach to arterial health. Incorporating an array of vitamin K sources—ranging from spinach and kale to cheese and organ meats—ensures a balanced intake of this vital nutrient, supporting both bone integrity and arterial resilience.

As we navigate the intricacies of arterial health and heart wellness, the role of vitamin K emerges as a beacon of hope in the quest for optimal cardiovascular function. By embracing a holistic approach encompassing dietary diversity, evidence-based supplementation, and informed lifestyle choices, we embark on a transformative journey toward lifelong heart health and vitality.


Fu X, Harshman SG, Shen X, Haytowitz DB, Karl JP, Wolfe BE, et al. Multiple Vitamin K Forms Exist in Dairy Foods. Curr Dev Nutr. 2017 Jun;1(6):e000638.


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